Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Well well, winter has come. As has the snow.

Every time i look outside i get surprised to see it all white...Its kinda freaky! But its so pretty!! And fun! We had a big snow ball fight and made a huge snowman! :)
But this week is pretty crazy, so we haven't been able to!
Its winter school! We have about 100 somethin people here, and im working cafe. So i have a night shift, 2-11pm. Its not too bad, the only thing i dont like is i dont get to hang with my crew, and im kinda going crazy not being with anyone cept the guests.
Not much else to say bout that...

We went to Northampton, Mass last week which was really nice! Its where Alex lives, so we stayed at his house...He has the cutest little house i have to say! There lounge room is like a library with a model train running on the top! And they got a rockin chair and a nice couch with a tv and its just super homey! which made me miss home! We didn't do to much which i liked, alot of relaxing and chilling with the family. We went out and taught a childrens class for 9 kids, then had lunch with them. Then unpacked everything back at A's house. And played parchessi and had a home made meal! and hung out some more. Then the next day we chilled some more, then me A and reb-ka picked up A's sister from school which was so cool cause the school was just like the ones in the movies!!! Then we had a devotion with Lila's (Alex's sister) friends and had nachos. And theeeeen we went for ice cream and dinner. Then the next day we went for a nice walk next to a river which was kinda frozen and it made me miss my parents cause i know how much they would of loved the walk. We then walked around a bit in the town got lunch and headed back.
So it was a nice relaxing homey vacation! :)

Anyways thats about all for now.
Love you all!

Monday, December 13, 2010

I know i know, its been forever.

Omgosh i know it really has been such a long time since I've written here! But not much is really happening...I mean other than what happens every week. Its all the same old busy schedule!

Well this week we had a week long program, Treasurers Conference (Basically, treasurers are like the people who take care of the money in our Local Baha'i Communities, which is used for all things like Children's Classes supplies, Functions run by the community and so on). It was a pretty intense week after getting used to the weekend programs. There was about 40ish people, and Sahar who is on our small team was sick, so there was only 3 of us doing the cleaning and such. It was a long week though, cause not only working 7-4 but every night we had to either close the Kelsey Center (The Main building where there program is held) or work in the Cafe. So it was lots of work. But it was still fun! We had a pretty eventful Saturday night. So that was amusing, they had an Acapella group come sing, and a Jazz band play too! plus little silly things happening every now and then.

Something i have come to realize is that i LOVE working. Even if its cleaning peoples toilets and showers, or making beds and doing Laundry! I always look so forward to the weekend but all we ever do on our weekends is sleep in and watch movies and do nothing (though recently we found Monopoly so thats what we have been doing alot which is hella fun), but work is just so much more fun, even if it gets stressful or its freezing outside. It just wouldn't be what it is without the people i work with! I really am so grateful to work with Reb-Ka, Alex, Sahar, and Sisay! They make every day at work so fun.

So my birthday is coming up which is so weird cause its not hot!!!! And I'm not with my family! But no thats not true! I'm with my second family! No plans but I'm looking forward to it, its on a work day with no guests so it should be entertaining! :)
Oh and on Sunday (if it doesn't snow) we are going to Northampton, Mass! Alex's home. Which should be lots of fun! He's gonna show us round. It should be really nice getting away and being with the group! We are going to be doing a service project too, not sure what we are doing but all in all I'm looking forward to it!

So yeah thats about it for now.
Sorry i haven't written in such a long time!
I will try to write more!

Love Y'all!

(Our new Lounge!! isn't it cute!!)